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IDA Sells Marmon Road Property: Proposed Development of USDA Meat Processing Facility

September 21, 2021

20200124_134653.jpgLYONSDALE, NY – Lewis County IDA confirms sale of the 46-acre former industrial property at 3823 Marmon Road in the Town of Lyonsdale, NY to Rezk "Rez" Abdelrahman with proposed plans to develop a state-of-the-art U.S.Department of Agriculture meat processing facility. Mr. Abdelrahman is not currently requesting IDA incentives to support his project plans.

The former bio-mass to electricity facility was acquired by the Lewis County IDA in February 2020. The property features an office building, a mechanical building, an 11,000-square-foot pole barn and the truck lift and conveyor belt left over from the previous use. All energy-producing components were removed prior to the IDA’s acquisition. The property is located adjacent to an active paper mill and the Moose River and sits just outside the boundary of New York’s Adirondack Park.

In March 2021, the Lewis County IDA contracted with Camoin Associates to put out a Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) to identify respondents interested in acquiring and redeveloping the Lyonsdale property. From the RFEI process, Lewis County IDA received six letters of interest for the re-use and/or re-development of the property.

The LCIDA Board used an evaluation matrix to determine the potential impacts and opportunities of each project. Several factors were taken into consideration including job creation, implementation timeline, and the thoroughness of their business plan. The LCIDA Board did a formal Request for Proposals (RFP) process for the top three projects, to determine the best use for the property.

Ultimately, the LCIDA Board chose to move forward with the sale of the property to Rezk "Rez" Abdelrahman. The property was sold for $75,000 on September 3, 2021.