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Workforce Development

Workforce Development Programs:

Lewis County Leadership Academy

Program Description:The Leadership Academy is a ten month program building tomorrow's leaders.This program accepts emerging business and community leaders to grow thenext generationof leaders in our community. In partnership with Human Factor Leadership, Naturally Lewis has built a curriculum incorporating a personalized behavioral core strengths assessment and leadership workshops;we're meeting you where you are to help you get you where you want to be. 

Bridges Out of Poverty

Program Description: Various programs to support individuals in transitioning to economic stability.

Program Contact: Stephanie Houser-Fouse |

Summer Youth Employment Program

Program Description: Program sponsors youth ages 14-20 years old to work up to 35 hours per week during the summer months.

Program Contact: Thomas Fulmer, Employment & Training Specialist | 315-376-5410 |

Fort Drum Career Skills Program

Program Description: The Career Skills Program (CSP) encourages Soldiers to capitalize on training opportunities during transition to turn their Military skills into post‐service careers.

Program Contact: Fort Drum Transition Assistance Program | (315) 772-3434 |

On-the-Job Training Program

Program Description: On-the-Job Training (OJT) is a wage reimbursement program for the training of eligible new hires. If your business and the new employee qualifies, you are eligible to be reimbursed for 50% of the wages during their training phase.

Program Contact: Thomas Fulmer, Employment & Training Specialist | 315-376-5410 |

Open Recruitments at The WorkPlace

Program Description: The Lewis County WorkPlace can assist you with holding open recruitments on our premises. This gives businesses the opportunity to interview multiple candidates without disrupting daily operations. 

Program Contact: Thomas Fulmer, Employment & Training Specialist | 315-376-5410 |

Advertising Your Job & Job Matching

Program Description: Do you have an open position that you'd lke to advertise? The WorkPlacecan post your job openings on the NYS Job Bank. As always, this service is at no cost to the employer! The WorkPlace also match your openings to customers in our database. If we have a customer who is a good fit for the job, The WorkPlace send them the info on the job & tell them how to apply!

Program Contact: Thomas Fulmer, Employment & Training Specialist | 315-376-5410 |

Workforce Development Partners:

Additional Tools for Growth: